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It almost feels as if the world is experiencing a quickening of events. On a daily basis we are being asked to respond to rapidly changing social, political, economic and cultural landscapes, let alone adapt to the dynamics of our fast-changing biosphere. Cindy’s observations on a broad range of global and local events are presented in a concise yet heartfelt manner, ever mindful that great numbers of people are suffering in these most challenging of times.
Cindy Naunton’s insightful newsletters are only available via FREE email subscription. You can read brief excerpts from Cindy’s most recent observations on this page.
October 2024 - A testing time
“…we have four planets weakened by their astrological position: Venus in Scorpio, Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter in Gemini. The Moon, too, is weakened for a few days between 9 - 11 October as it journeys through Capricorn. Plus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde while Jupiter is stationary and just beginning its retrograde phase where it will stay in Gemini until 4 February 2025. Being weakened by astrological position is significant, for it indicates that the celestial body is not able to honour its energy. …
March 2024 - The tempo quickens
“…The 8 April Total Solar Eclipse has a pathway that tracks across the USA from Texas to Maine. Many predictions have been made about the possible effects including civil war and three days of darkness. My own observations regarding eclipses is more pragmatic, to carefully watch the pathway of obscurity and adjoining geographical areas. Bear in mind that Eclipses have a period of influence of months for an individual and years in the case of countries...”
February 2024 - On the road again
“….In life we are told to expect the unexpected, and for me, this was 2023 in spades. The first half of the year was full of my usual readings, research and teachings and the months quickly zipped by. Then, in the midst of penning my August newsletter, I had to unexpectedly put everything aside...”
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